#LovedaleBridge Party
Lovedale Rd Is Open…
And we’re having a PARTY to celebrate!!!
WHERE: Elizabeth Auto Care Parking Lot

WHEN: Saturday November 25th Noon til 3pm-ish
The bridge replacement was only supposed to take 5-6 weeks, but 16 weeks later we’re so happy to finally have our Lovedlae Rd open again. Having this road closed has caused our community a ton of stress & heartache. The detour alone around this mess is an additional 5 miles, and that’s added extra cost for everyone in gas, time plus it’s affected many of our local businesses as well, ours included.
It’s amazing how much we rely on this one road to connect Elizabeth Borough to Elizabeth Township, Lincoln, McKeesport, Boston, Buena Vista (I’m sure I’ve missed a few here). But now that it’s finally opening just in time for Thanksgiving, what better way to celebrate and bring our community back together than a big block party!
Come to Elizabeth Auto Care by the bridge on Saturday November 25th anytime between noon and 3pm to meet your neighbors. We’ve been talking so much on social media about all the heartache this closing has caused, it’s time to put a face to the names and join together as a community.
A bunch of our local businesses have banded together to provide:
- Free Food (we’ll be grillin)
- Drinks (non-alcoholic of course, it’s a family thing)
- And Cake!!! (Bobbi Moore volunteered to create construction themed confections)
- Live Band (Shady Mugs will play LIVE-you gotta see this 🙂
And you can park in the empty lot next door and enjoy all the festivities. Bring the kids, stop in on your way to shop local – it is ‘Small Business Saturday’ after all, and just hang out and meet some really great people that make up the fabric of our community.
You can mix and mingle as you enjoy some delicious food around lunch time! We’ll have a fire going to help keep warm with some heaters spaced around to keep the chill away (it should be in the 50’s that day). There’ll be Hot Dogs & Kielbasa going on the grill all day (my Dad will be the chef), I’ll make my nearly famous Hot Dog Chili and our awesome local classic/southern rock band Shady Mugs has agreed to play for the crowd. They’ll be set up in our service bays with the doors wide open and the heat will be on! Bring a folding chair with you and enjoy the music for a couple hours or so.
There’ll be tents all around just in case Mother Nature throws us a curve, and I promise the food & music will be just what you need to get your weekend going right!
I know it’s an auto repair shop, but there’s plenty of space to hang inside or out with bathrooms and other amenities that’s close to the bridge on Lovedale Rd. It’s a great opportunity to see what it’s like to travel Lovedale Rd again, and check out the new bridge too.
Stop by! Plan on spending some time time with us – we’re going to have a blast!!